
Sari Kivinen. Obstructions to self, 2009

Sari Kivinen (b. 1981 AU)

Performance, Lönnström Art Museum, 20.5.2009




Kivinen has focused on role-play as a method of performance for several years and views the act of embodying a role in a dual way: on the one hand assuming a role can allow genuine expression to occur through the guise of assuming something other; and on the other hand embodying a role, especially for a long duration, can obstruct the authentic self. Kivinen’s interest is to explore what this means to herself as performer; to simultaneously reveal and conceal.

Since arriving in Finland in March 2009, Kivinen has been exploring the idea of role-play as obstruction and has begun to think about other alternate ways of obstructing herself during performance.

In April 2009 Kivinen performed at two venues, Perfo! In Tampere, and Gallery 3H + K in Pori. Performing as ‘herself’ Kivinen presented two alternate performances focused on the theme of self-obstruction, exploring restricted movement, internal and external behaviour, disorientation and drinking patterns.

On the 20th May 2009 at Lönnström Art Museum Kivinen will deliver a presentation of her explorations on the theme of obstruction within performance, documentation of performances will be on view and a new performance will occur.
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